Friday, October 30, 2009

Wanna play some more??

It never ceases to amaze me. Some things work and some simply do not.

For the last 8 years(!) we have been enmeshed in a "war" of some sort in the middle east. I know that the excuse has been that it has all been in a response to 9/11. And as well-meaning as that may sound, where is our path to absolute victory?

There is none. Plain and simple. Our fighting men and women are the best in the world, yet we still slog on. We have the finest equipment, armament, and weaponry in the world, yet we still slog on. We have the best and brightest military minds in the world at the head of our forces, yet we still slog on.

With two blinding flashes of light, a massive world war came to a sudden and decisive end in 1945. An "axis" of powers that dared tweak the nose of the American eagle, felt its talons dig deep into its flesh. And the game was over.

I will quote an un-named source. A right-thinking fellow that I read today:

"On Sept.15, 2001, the world should have awakened to the stark headlines of several mid-east capitals being missing. One simple question should have been issued to those remaining; WANT TO KEEP PLAYING?"

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