Monday, October 12, 2009

Provide vs. Promote

The preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The modern socialist movement being led by the National Democrat (sic) Party and its minions, makes much of the "general welfare" statement above. What they blindly miss or overtly misrepresent are the words immediately preceding it. No one seems to want to focus on the expression PROMOTE!

It stands in stark difference from the word PROVIDE in the phrase that deals with the "common defence." There is a significant contradistinction in the two words.

There is no debate over the matter of the federal government's role in PROVIDING for the common defence of the several states that make up our union. When we move as a unit, there is no greater military power (all things considered) than the United States of America. With the proverbial "push of a button," we could bring about Armageddon!

There are larger standing armies (China), and there are more fanatical warriors (Islam) than the US. But taken in context, we are still a military SUPERpower. Now whether we have the will to project that power is the subject of another debate.

As a nation, we have jointly and severally agreed that we will pay the taxes necessary to PROVIDE for our common defense.

Now to the issue at hand. The word PROMOTE is not the same as the word PROVIDE. They are not spelled the same. And they have different meanings.

Per Encarta:

PROVIDE is defined as

1. transitive verb: to supply somebody with something, or be a source of something needed or wanted by somebody

PROMOTE is defined as

1. advance somebody in rank: to raise somebody to a more senior job or a higher position or rank

2. move somebody to next grade: to move a student to the next higher grade at the end of the school year

3. support or encourage something: to encourage the growth and development of something

Now notice please. I'm asking nicely. Notice please... there I said it again... that the word PROVIDE as a verb means that someone is giving something (ostensibly of value) to someone else. Nothing in the definition discusses payment for the thing of value. It could be bought and paid for; or it could be received as a gift. But the scenario is clear. Someone has something and passes it along to someone else. That is what it means to PROVIDE.

Now notice please. Third time I have used the word.... Notice that the first definitions of the word PROMOTE have to do with our common usage of the action of elevating either the rank or the grade of another. We were all "promoted" grade to grade in school. Or we FAILED! But look at the next definition. " encourage the growth and development of...."

Head's up!


It is my position, and I believe that I share this with most sane and rational thinking people, that the framers of our Constitution knew the difference in the two words. They clearly saw the necessity of the federal government being the central source of defense. It would make no sense for each state to have its own standing army, air force, navy, etc. That would be a logistical nightmare. So one common defense makes sense and works!

But they also saw the danger of a powerful central government becoming a "nanny state" and PROVIDING for the general welfare. So they used the word: PROMOTE. And its associate meaning of "to encourage the growth and development of."

It is not now nor has it ever been the place of the United States Federal Government to PROVIDE "cradle to the grave" welfare for the citizens (and illegal aliens) of this great land. It is rather the place of that government to create conditions under which "we the people," (we the individual persons!) can PROVIDE for our own general welfare.

Why is that so hard for you "educated" socialists to understand?

Oh, I know why. It is because you are crooked! And you have a real hard time with 5th grade English.

1 comment:

  1. I have asked this question many many times and I fully agree with what is printed above
