Now let's see.
"In the health care bill passed Tuesday by the Senate Finance Committee, adults who do not purchase health insurance would face an excise-tax penalty of $200 a year starting in 2014 and rising gradually to $750 in 2017." - The Denver Post, 10/19/2009
Let's say I'm a reasonably healthy 20 something year old single male. I can either pay a significant premium (anywhere from $1500 to $3000 per year) for health insurance that I will probably never use, OR I can pay a $200 excise tax to the government. Hmmmm, decisions, decisions!
And let's further say that (God forbid) something catastrophic happens. I am diagnosed with cancer, or renal failure, etc. Under the proposed system, the health insurance companies cannot deny me coverage due to pre-existing conditions. So I pay the premiums necessary to secure coverage and treatment. If all goes well, and I get what I need in the way of a cure, I simply drop the insurance, quit paying the premiums, and go about my merry way. Leaving the insurance company with a million dollar bill to pay!!
That senario will, I said WILL, play itself out hundreds and thousands of times under the proposed "health care reform" legislation that our empty-suit president is sure to sign. The SURE result will be the collapse of our current system of delivering health care in this once-great nation.
As a health insurance industry executive, I know the numbers. No company operating under the conditions illustrated above will be able to survive. The assets will all eventually be eroded to the point of bankruptcy. That is the design of the health care reform bill. It is the purpose of the fanatic socialists pushing this measure to eventually replace ALL health insurance with a federal government single-payer system. It will take a little time, but it will happen. (That is, if they are not stopped and voted out!)
That purpose was clearly stated:
"If Obama Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System. The New Yorker wrote, "'If you're starting from scratch,' he [Obama] says, 'then a single-payer system'-a government-managed system like Canada's, which disconnects health insurance from employment-'would probably make sense. But we've got all these legacy systems in place, and managing the transition, as well as adjusting the culture to a different system, would be difficult to pull off. So we may need a system that's not so disruptive that people feel like suddenly what they've known for most of their lives is thrown by the wayside.'" [New Yorker, 5/7/07]
But incrementally, it WILL be replaced by beauracrats, socialist do-gooders(!), and control freaks who will dictate WHO will be treated, WHEN they will be treated, and HOW MUCH treatment they will receive.
Change is in the air, my friends. Many of you voted for it. I just hope you have a "spoonfull of sugar!" You will need it to make this "medicine" go down.
Monday, October 19, 2009
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