1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart every hour of every day.
2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!
3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March
17th) than Target sells all year.
4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco
+ K-Mart combined.
5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private
Employer, and most speak English.
6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the World.
7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined, and keep
in mind they did this in only 15 years.
8. During this same period, 31 Supermarket Chains sought bankruptcy.
9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.
10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super
Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had 5 Years ago.
11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur At
a Wal-Mart store.
(Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)
12. 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart.
You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground
work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to
fix the economy because the idiots in Washington sure can't!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Recipe for Disaster!
I fully realize the title to this posting is over-used to the point of it being cliche. But....
That does not dissuade me from pointing out that disasters have happened in the past that were fraught with stupidity from the outset that brought about a sure and horrible end. I could speak of the Titanic, the Vietnam war, our "security measures" that led up to 9/11, and especially the election our our current man-child president!
But what is bothering me at this time is simply this. We are on the brink of an economic collapse that will dwarf the Depression period of the 1930s, and that quite possibly will bring the United States of American into an era of (un)civil war from which it will never recover.
To wit:
We, the US Congress, is about to pass, ram through, a bill for supposed "health care reform," that will have a price tag, depending on who is counting, anywhere from 1.2 to 2.0 TRILLION Dollars! There is scant little plan in place to pay for this horrific boondoggle. Some talk of cutting Medicare by 500 Billion Dollars, and "Taxing" the evil rich and insurance companies. But aside from those ludicrous ideas, what is always held in reserve is the fact that the United States Federal Government can simply print money!
I know that sounds simplistic to many of you who deem yourselves sophisticaed financeers. But the presses have already been inked and the paper is ready.
FACT: The US Dollar has lost over 16% of its value, compared to other world currencies, in this year of 2009 alone.
FACT: World oil prices are soon to be measured in a currency other than the US Dollar.
FACT: As our dollar decreases in value, we will have to pay more of those dollars for just about everything that we consume.
FACT: America does not manufacture its own consumer goods. China does.
FACT: America does not produce enough of its own energy products, oil, etc., to satisfy its needs. DUNNER'S predicts that "American field production will probably go below 25% of its total annual supply within the next five years."
The stage is set for the perfect economic storm. And, sadly, there is little anyone can do about it. We have become a dependent nation. We have chosed, via our elected officials, to be that way.
Now consider: If we are in place to have TRILLION dollar annual deficits for as far as the eye can see, the time will come when the world will simply say, "ENOUGH! We've had enough of your free-spending ways and failure to balance your own economic budget. Pay us what you owe us!"
My friends, should that occur, (and we have already heard rumblings to that effect from China) the worst of the worst would happen. With no value behind our Dollar, with no manufacturing base from which to generate wealth, and with no discipline in our government to rein in its desire to TAX and SPEND, TAX and SPEND, we would have nothing of value to pay our creditors... They would not want phoney printed money; they would demand hard assets.
Would anyone besides me care to fill in the blanks as to what those assets might be?
That does not dissuade me from pointing out that disasters have happened in the past that were fraught with stupidity from the outset that brought about a sure and horrible end. I could speak of the Titanic, the Vietnam war, our "security measures" that led up to 9/11, and especially the election our our current man-child president!
But what is bothering me at this time is simply this. We are on the brink of an economic collapse that will dwarf the Depression period of the 1930s, and that quite possibly will bring the United States of American into an era of (un)civil war from which it will never recover.
To wit:
We, the US Congress, is about to pass, ram through, a bill for supposed "health care reform," that will have a price tag, depending on who is counting, anywhere from 1.2 to 2.0 TRILLION Dollars! There is scant little plan in place to pay for this horrific boondoggle. Some talk of cutting Medicare by 500 Billion Dollars, and "Taxing" the evil rich and insurance companies. But aside from those ludicrous ideas, what is always held in reserve is the fact that the United States Federal Government can simply print money!
I know that sounds simplistic to many of you who deem yourselves sophisticaed financeers. But the presses have already been inked and the paper is ready.
FACT: The US Dollar has lost over 16% of its value, compared to other world currencies, in this year of 2009 alone.
FACT: World oil prices are soon to be measured in a currency other than the US Dollar.
FACT: As our dollar decreases in value, we will have to pay more of those dollars for just about everything that we consume.
FACT: America does not manufacture its own consumer goods. China does.
FACT: America does not produce enough of its own energy products, oil, etc., to satisfy its needs. DUNNER'S predicts that "American field production will probably go below 25% of its total annual supply within the next five years."
The stage is set for the perfect economic storm. And, sadly, there is little anyone can do about it. We have become a dependent nation. We have chosed, via our elected officials, to be that way.
Now consider: If we are in place to have TRILLION dollar annual deficits for as far as the eye can see, the time will come when the world will simply say, "ENOUGH! We've had enough of your free-spending ways and failure to balance your own economic budget. Pay us what you owe us!"
My friends, should that occur, (and we have already heard rumblings to that effect from China) the worst of the worst would happen. With no value behind our Dollar, with no manufacturing base from which to generate wealth, and with no discipline in our government to rein in its desire to TAX and SPEND, TAX and SPEND, we would have nothing of value to pay our creditors... They would not want phoney printed money; they would demand hard assets.
Would anyone besides me care to fill in the blanks as to what those assets might be?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wanna play some more??
It never ceases to amaze me. Some things work and some simply do not.
For the last 8 years(!) we have been enmeshed in a "war" of some sort in the middle east. I know that the excuse has been that it has all been in a response to 9/11. And as well-meaning as that may sound, where is our path to absolute victory?
There is none. Plain and simple. Our fighting men and women are the best in the world, yet we still slog on. We have the finest equipment, armament, and weaponry in the world, yet we still slog on. We have the best and brightest military minds in the world at the head of our forces, yet we still slog on.
With two blinding flashes of light, a massive world war came to a sudden and decisive end in 1945. An "axis" of powers that dared tweak the nose of the American eagle, felt its talons dig deep into its flesh. And the game was over.
I will quote an un-named source. A right-thinking fellow that I read today:
"On Sept.15, 2001, the world should have awakened to the stark headlines of several mid-east capitals being missing. One simple question should have been issued to those remaining; WANT TO KEEP PLAYING?"
For the last 8 years(!) we have been enmeshed in a "war" of some sort in the middle east. I know that the excuse has been that it has all been in a response to 9/11. And as well-meaning as that may sound, where is our path to absolute victory?
There is none. Plain and simple. Our fighting men and women are the best in the world, yet we still slog on. We have the finest equipment, armament, and weaponry in the world, yet we still slog on. We have the best and brightest military minds in the world at the head of our forces, yet we still slog on.
With two blinding flashes of light, a massive world war came to a sudden and decisive end in 1945. An "axis" of powers that dared tweak the nose of the American eagle, felt its talons dig deep into its flesh. And the game was over.
I will quote an un-named source. A right-thinking fellow that I read today:
"On Sept.15, 2001, the world should have awakened to the stark headlines of several mid-east capitals being missing. One simple question should have been issued to those remaining; WANT TO KEEP PLAYING?"
Go wrong...Go wrong...Go wrong....
Classic joke about a guy that gets on a shiny new airliner. Everything is automated, no pilot, co-pilot, or navigator. Just computers running the whole show. A voice comes over the intercom that, too, is automated. It praises the latest and greatest innovations of computer and software technology and encourages everyone to "just sit back and enjoy the flight. Nothing can possibly go wrong...tic, go wrong, tic, go wrong.....!"
A modern day version would go something like THIS:
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, "Hello?"
"Mrs. Sanders, please."
"Mrs. Sanders, this is Dr. Jones at St. Agnes Laboratory. When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one belongs to your husband. Frankly, either way the results are not too good."
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks nervously.
"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for HIV. We can't tell which is which."
"That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Sanders.
"Normally we can, but the new health care system will only pay for these expensive tests just one time."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
"The folks at Obama HealthCare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."
Cute story. But let's get this straight.
The Obama health care plan, as currently written (over 1900 pages!):
· Has been penned by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it.
· Will be passed by a Congress that hasn't read it (but exempts themselves from it).
· Will be signed by a president who smokes (and also hasn't read it).
· Will have its funding administered by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes.
· Will be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese.
· Will be financed by a country that is nearly broke.
What could possibly go wrong?
A modern day version would go something like THIS:
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, "Hello?"
"Mrs. Sanders, please."
"Mrs. Sanders, this is Dr. Jones at St. Agnes Laboratory. When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one belongs to your husband. Frankly, either way the results are not too good."
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks nervously.
"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for HIV. We can't tell which is which."
"That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Sanders.
"Normally we can, but the new health care system will only pay for these expensive tests just one time."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
"The folks at Obama HealthCare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."
Cute story. But let's get this straight.
The Obama health care plan, as currently written (over 1900 pages!):
· Has been penned by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it.
· Will be passed by a Congress that hasn't read it (but exempts themselves from it).
· Will be signed by a president who smokes (and also hasn't read it).
· Will have its funding administered by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes.
· Will be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese.
· Will be financed by a country that is nearly broke.
What could possibly go wrong?
Monday, October 26, 2009
"Be careful for nothing..."
The first part of Philippians 4:6 has the title words. Penned by the Apostle Paul they are sometimes misread or mis-interpreted to say something that they do not. The focus is on the word "careful." He is not saying that we should be "careless," in the sense that it would be fine to drive down an icy two-laned road with trees on both sides at 90 miles-per-hour!
But the word careful simply means "full of care." And I did not get that from the Greek! I simply took a compound English word, broke it apart into its separate pieces, defined each piece, and WOW, there it is.
Old country folks had a saying, "It's a sin to worry."
But there are things that make it very hard not to worry.
Here are just a few:
1. "Swine" Flu Pandemic.
2. A national debt that cannot be comprehended. (I saw a bumper sticker recently that said, DON'T TELL OBAMA WHAT COMES AFTER "TRILLION!")
3. Unemployment that continues to grow. And it hurts when you are one of them!
4. Personal Freedoms that are being replaced by phony Government Security.
5. A social and economic environment that continues to become more and more hostile to Christians.
And you can add to the list. Everyone has their own cares and concerns.
But the text says for us to not be full of care over anything. How do we do that?
Well.... Here is where I would start, and here is where I would end. Just a simple verse or two. II Timothy 2:19 says:
"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure...."
What is that SURE FOUNDATION composed of? Well, this is my opinion, but I think it's a pretty good one.
1. The Word of God. (stop and preach!)
2. The Blood of Jesus Christ. (preach some more)
3. The Ministry of the Holy Ghost. (make clear what it is and what it ain't)
4. The Promises of God. (start preaching again)
5. The Peace of God. (now shout a while)
Many years ago, The Florida Boys, a gospel quartet, sang a song that was very popular, and still is. The title was something like, "Standing On The Solid Rock." That idea was, is, and should ever be our testimony as Christians.
I do not make light of or disparage in any way the horrible things that we often have to endure in this world. But Jesus said, "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." And one last verse.
The aged and wise Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:18,
"For I recon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
"The longer I live, the more I am convinced that Someone wrote that Book from the perspective of 10,000 years from now, looking back, and seeing how it would all work out." ---Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
But the word careful simply means "full of care." And I did not get that from the Greek! I simply took a compound English word, broke it apart into its separate pieces, defined each piece, and WOW, there it is.
Old country folks had a saying, "It's a sin to worry."
But there are things that make it very hard not to worry.
Here are just a few:
1. "Swine" Flu Pandemic.
2. A national debt that cannot be comprehended. (I saw a bumper sticker recently that said, DON'T TELL OBAMA WHAT COMES AFTER "TRILLION!")
3. Unemployment that continues to grow. And it hurts when you are one of them!
4. Personal Freedoms that are being replaced by phony Government Security.
5. A social and economic environment that continues to become more and more hostile to Christians.
And you can add to the list. Everyone has their own cares and concerns.
But the text says for us to not be full of care over anything. How do we do that?
Well.... Here is where I would start, and here is where I would end. Just a simple verse or two. II Timothy 2:19 says:
"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure...."
What is that SURE FOUNDATION composed of? Well, this is my opinion, but I think it's a pretty good one.
1. The Word of God. (stop and preach!)
2. The Blood of Jesus Christ. (preach some more)
3. The Ministry of the Holy Ghost. (make clear what it is and what it ain't)
4. The Promises of God. (start preaching again)
5. The Peace of God. (now shout a while)
Many years ago, The Florida Boys, a gospel quartet, sang a song that was very popular, and still is. The title was something like, "Standing On The Solid Rock." That idea was, is, and should ever be our testimony as Christians.
I do not make light of or disparage in any way the horrible things that we often have to endure in this world. But Jesus said, "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." And one last verse.
The aged and wise Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:18,
"For I recon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
"The longer I live, the more I am convinced that Someone wrote that Book from the perspective of 10,000 years from now, looking back, and seeing how it would all work out." ---Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
Monday, October 19, 2009
Gaming the System
Now let's see.
"In the health care bill passed Tuesday by the Senate Finance Committee, adults who do not purchase health insurance would face an excise-tax penalty of $200 a year starting in 2014 and rising gradually to $750 in 2017." - The Denver Post, 10/19/2009
Let's say I'm a reasonably healthy 20 something year old single male. I can either pay a significant premium (anywhere from $1500 to $3000 per year) for health insurance that I will probably never use, OR I can pay a $200 excise tax to the government. Hmmmm, decisions, decisions!
And let's further say that (God forbid) something catastrophic happens. I am diagnosed with cancer, or renal failure, etc. Under the proposed system, the health insurance companies cannot deny me coverage due to pre-existing conditions. So I pay the premiums necessary to secure coverage and treatment. If all goes well, and I get what I need in the way of a cure, I simply drop the insurance, quit paying the premiums, and go about my merry way. Leaving the insurance company with a million dollar bill to pay!!
That senario will, I said WILL, play itself out hundreds and thousands of times under the proposed "health care reform" legislation that our empty-suit president is sure to sign. The SURE result will be the collapse of our current system of delivering health care in this once-great nation.
As a health insurance industry executive, I know the numbers. No company operating under the conditions illustrated above will be able to survive. The assets will all eventually be eroded to the point of bankruptcy. That is the design of the health care reform bill. It is the purpose of the fanatic socialists pushing this measure to eventually replace ALL health insurance with a federal government single-payer system. It will take a little time, but it will happen. (That is, if they are not stopped and voted out!)
That purpose was clearly stated:
"If Obama Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System. The New Yorker wrote, "'If you're starting from scratch,' he [Obama] says, 'then a single-payer system'-a government-managed system like Canada's, which disconnects health insurance from employment-'would probably make sense. But we've got all these legacy systems in place, and managing the transition, as well as adjusting the culture to a different system, would be difficult to pull off. So we may need a system that's not so disruptive that people feel like suddenly what they've known for most of their lives is thrown by the wayside.'" [New Yorker, 5/7/07]
But incrementally, it WILL be replaced by beauracrats, socialist do-gooders(!), and control freaks who will dictate WHO will be treated, WHEN they will be treated, and HOW MUCH treatment they will receive.
Change is in the air, my friends. Many of you voted for it. I just hope you have a "spoonfull of sugar!" You will need it to make this "medicine" go down.
"In the health care bill passed Tuesday by the Senate Finance Committee, adults who do not purchase health insurance would face an excise-tax penalty of $200 a year starting in 2014 and rising gradually to $750 in 2017." - The Denver Post, 10/19/2009
Let's say I'm a reasonably healthy 20 something year old single male. I can either pay a significant premium (anywhere from $1500 to $3000 per year) for health insurance that I will probably never use, OR I can pay a $200 excise tax to the government. Hmmmm, decisions, decisions!
And let's further say that (God forbid) something catastrophic happens. I am diagnosed with cancer, or renal failure, etc. Under the proposed system, the health insurance companies cannot deny me coverage due to pre-existing conditions. So I pay the premiums necessary to secure coverage and treatment. If all goes well, and I get what I need in the way of a cure, I simply drop the insurance, quit paying the premiums, and go about my merry way. Leaving the insurance company with a million dollar bill to pay!!
That senario will, I said WILL, play itself out hundreds and thousands of times under the proposed "health care reform" legislation that our empty-suit president is sure to sign. The SURE result will be the collapse of our current system of delivering health care in this once-great nation.
As a health insurance industry executive, I know the numbers. No company operating under the conditions illustrated above will be able to survive. The assets will all eventually be eroded to the point of bankruptcy. That is the design of the health care reform bill. It is the purpose of the fanatic socialists pushing this measure to eventually replace ALL health insurance with a federal government single-payer system. It will take a little time, but it will happen. (That is, if they are not stopped and voted out!)
That purpose was clearly stated:
"If Obama Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System. The New Yorker wrote, "'If you're starting from scratch,' he [Obama] says, 'then a single-payer system'-a government-managed system like Canada's, which disconnects health insurance from employment-'would probably make sense. But we've got all these legacy systems in place, and managing the transition, as well as adjusting the culture to a different system, would be difficult to pull off. So we may need a system that's not so disruptive that people feel like suddenly what they've known for most of their lives is thrown by the wayside.'" [New Yorker, 5/7/07]
But incrementally, it WILL be replaced by beauracrats, socialist do-gooders(!), and control freaks who will dictate WHO will be treated, WHEN they will be treated, and HOW MUCH treatment they will receive.
Change is in the air, my friends. Many of you voted for it. I just hope you have a "spoonfull of sugar!" You will need it to make this "medicine" go down.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
This Great Caravan!
When my brother, Mike, and I were growing up, there was a television program that was broadcast every Sunday morning. Its title was something like "The Gospel Singing Caravan." The host was Eva Mae LeFever, and she was part of The LeFevers group. She also had The Phophets, and many guest groups and quartets.
We always had it on while getting ready to go to church. The music was strictly Southern Gospel. Great old songs! I especially liked the theme song. If you go to YouTube, you can find a video of Bill Gaither's homecoming group all singing it. Just queary for "This Great Caravan," and it should be the first on the list.
And if you can't understand all the words, I am posting them here for your enjoyment. Listen to the music, and go back 40 or so years!
By V. B. (Vep) Ellis
Copyright 1944
We are headed for that great wonderful country,
(We’ve told the) Land of sin, “We’re through,”
Going to our new home. (Up yonder)
God’s Word is our map and we treasure it fondly.
(We travel) This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
(We’re happy) We are traveling o’er the trail that is winding
(It’s winding) Over mountains and through the valleys below.
(To heaven) Bubbling springs of pure living water we’re finding.
(To strengthen) This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
Dangers all along lurking in the dark shadows.
(Around us) We will never fear; Christ is always along.
(Protecting) He will never refuse to captain our battles.
(He’s with us) While this caravan keeps on rolling along.
(We’re happy) We are traveling o’er the trail that is winding
(It’s winding) Over mountains and through the valleys below.
(To heaven) Bubbling springs of pure living water we’re finding
(To strengthen) This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
We always had it on while getting ready to go to church. The music was strictly Southern Gospel. Great old songs! I especially liked the theme song. If you go to YouTube, you can find a video of Bill Gaither's homecoming group all singing it. Just queary for "This Great Caravan," and it should be the first on the list.
And if you can't understand all the words, I am posting them here for your enjoyment. Listen to the music, and go back 40 or so years!
By V. B. (Vep) Ellis
Copyright 1944
We are headed for that great wonderful country,
(We’ve told the) Land of sin, “We’re through,”
Going to our new home. (Up yonder)
God’s Word is our map and we treasure it fondly.
(We travel) This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
(We’re happy) We are traveling o’er the trail that is winding
(It’s winding) Over mountains and through the valleys below.
(To heaven) Bubbling springs of pure living water we’re finding.
(To strengthen) This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
Dangers all along lurking in the dark shadows.
(Around us) We will never fear; Christ is always along.
(Protecting) He will never refuse to captain our battles.
(He’s with us) While this caravan keeps on rolling along.
(We’re happy) We are traveling o’er the trail that is winding
(It’s winding) Over mountains and through the valleys below.
(To heaven) Bubbling springs of pure living water we’re finding
(To strengthen) This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
This great caravan keeps on rolling along.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Provide vs. Promote
The preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America:
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The modern socialist movement being led by the National Democrat (sic) Party and its minions, makes much of the "general welfare" statement above. What they blindly miss or overtly misrepresent are the words immediately preceding it. No one seems to want to focus on the expression PROMOTE!
It stands in stark difference from the word PROVIDE in the phrase that deals with the "common defence." There is a significant contradistinction in the two words.
There is no debate over the matter of the federal government's role in PROVIDING for the common defence of the several states that make up our union. When we move as a unit, there is no greater military power (all things considered) than the United States of America. With the proverbial "push of a button," we could bring about Armageddon!
There are larger standing armies (China), and there are more fanatical warriors (Islam) than the US. But taken in context, we are still a military SUPERpower. Now whether we have the will to project that power is the subject of another debate.
As a nation, we have jointly and severally agreed that we will pay the taxes necessary to PROVIDE for our common defense.
Now to the issue at hand. The word PROMOTE is not the same as the word PROVIDE. They are not spelled the same. And they have different meanings.
Per Encarta:
PROVIDE is defined as
1. transitive verb: to supply somebody with something, or be a source of something needed or wanted by somebody
PROMOTE is defined as
1. advance somebody in rank: to raise somebody to a more senior job or a higher position or rank
2. move somebody to next grade: to move a student to the next higher grade at the end of the school year
3. support or encourage something: to encourage the growth and development of something
Now notice please. I'm asking nicely. Notice please... there I said it again... that the word PROVIDE as a verb means that someone is giving something (ostensibly of value) to someone else. Nothing in the definition discusses payment for the thing of value. It could be bought and paid for; or it could be received as a gift. But the scenario is clear. Someone has something and passes it along to someone else. That is what it means to PROVIDE.
Now notice please. Third time I have used the word.... Notice that the first definitions of the word PROMOTE have to do with our common usage of the action of elevating either the rank or the grade of another. We were all "promoted" grade to grade in school. Or we FAILED! But look at the next definition. "...to encourage the growth and development of...."
Head's up!
It is my position, and I believe that I share this with most sane and rational thinking people, that the framers of our Constitution knew the difference in the two words. They clearly saw the necessity of the federal government being the central source of defense. It would make no sense for each state to have its own standing army, air force, navy, etc. That would be a logistical nightmare. So one common defense makes sense and works!
But they also saw the danger of a powerful central government becoming a "nanny state" and PROVIDING for the general welfare. So they used the word: PROMOTE. And its associate meaning of "to encourage the growth and development of."
It is not now nor has it ever been the place of the United States Federal Government to PROVIDE "cradle to the grave" welfare for the citizens (and illegal aliens) of this great land. It is rather the place of that government to create conditions under which "we the people," (we the individual persons!) can PROVIDE for our own general welfare.
Why is that so hard for you "educated" socialists to understand?
Oh, I know why. It is because you are crooked! And you have a real hard time with 5th grade English.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The modern socialist movement being led by the National Democrat (sic) Party and its minions, makes much of the "general welfare" statement above. What they blindly miss or overtly misrepresent are the words immediately preceding it. No one seems to want to focus on the expression PROMOTE!
It stands in stark difference from the word PROVIDE in the phrase that deals with the "common defence." There is a significant contradistinction in the two words.
There is no debate over the matter of the federal government's role in PROVIDING for the common defence of the several states that make up our union. When we move as a unit, there is no greater military power (all things considered) than the United States of America. With the proverbial "push of a button," we could bring about Armageddon!
There are larger standing armies (China), and there are more fanatical warriors (Islam) than the US. But taken in context, we are still a military SUPERpower. Now whether we have the will to project that power is the subject of another debate.
As a nation, we have jointly and severally agreed that we will pay the taxes necessary to PROVIDE for our common defense.
Now to the issue at hand. The word PROMOTE is not the same as the word PROVIDE. They are not spelled the same. And they have different meanings.
Per Encarta:
PROVIDE is defined as
1. transitive verb: to supply somebody with something, or be a source of something needed or wanted by somebody
PROMOTE is defined as
1. advance somebody in rank: to raise somebody to a more senior job or a higher position or rank
2. move somebody to next grade: to move a student to the next higher grade at the end of the school year
3. support or encourage something: to encourage the growth and development of something
Now notice please. I'm asking nicely. Notice please... there I said it again... that the word PROVIDE as a verb means that someone is giving something (ostensibly of value) to someone else. Nothing in the definition discusses payment for the thing of value. It could be bought and paid for; or it could be received as a gift. But the scenario is clear. Someone has something and passes it along to someone else. That is what it means to PROVIDE.
Now notice please. Third time I have used the word.... Notice that the first definitions of the word PROMOTE have to do with our common usage of the action of elevating either the rank or the grade of another. We were all "promoted" grade to grade in school. Or we FAILED! But look at the next definition. "...to encourage the growth and development of...."
Head's up!
It is my position, and I believe that I share this with most sane and rational thinking people, that the framers of our Constitution knew the difference in the two words. They clearly saw the necessity of the federal government being the central source of defense. It would make no sense for each state to have its own standing army, air force, navy, etc. That would be a logistical nightmare. So one common defense makes sense and works!
But they also saw the danger of a powerful central government becoming a "nanny state" and PROVIDING for the general welfare. So they used the word: PROMOTE. And its associate meaning of "to encourage the growth and development of."
It is not now nor has it ever been the place of the United States Federal Government to PROVIDE "cradle to the grave" welfare for the citizens (and illegal aliens) of this great land. It is rather the place of that government to create conditions under which "we the people," (we the individual persons!) can PROVIDE for our own general welfare.
Why is that so hard for you "educated" socialists to understand?
Oh, I know why. It is because you are crooked! And you have a real hard time with 5th grade English.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Useless Idiots!
"OSLO — President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize today in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism." - The Associated Press, October 9, 2009
Nobel Peace Prize?? Like so many others, I am asking, "For What?"
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has destroyed all it's (limited) credibility with the choice of Barack Obama as it Peace Prize winner for this year. There is a saying that goes something like this: "I'd rather be lucky than good!"
It aptly fits this empty suit that we have put in the White House. He is glib, attractive, buff, articulate, and "educated." But so far as advancing any "peace" agenda, he is the worst choice the committee could have made.
The award was based on what the committee said were his efforts to establish more international dialogue over disputes and create an atmosphere of negotiation rather than unilateral military action, a direct slap at former President George W. Bush.
But "talk" does not defeat an enemy. This world has always been ruled by the use of force. Surprise! I am going to quote a Muslim!
"Islam recognizes peace as a basic requirement of all individuals and groups for their social, ethical and spiritual well being and growth. Believers are required to develop an attitude of compassion towards not only fellow human beings but also all living beings. Under no circumstance, any one should violate the dignity that God has endowed upon human beings. Islam persistently extols the virtues of mercy, patience, forbearance and forgiveness. However throughout human history force has been used by individuals, communities and states for settling disputes, for seeking dominance and for territorial expansion. Force has also been used to defend life and liberty of one’s own and of communities under attack. Force has also been used to liberate oppressed people too weak to defend themselves. As use of force leads to destruction of life and property, and as it tends to engender a climate of hate and revenge, religions generally show an aversion to violence and preach nonviolent methods of settling disputes. But it is universal experience of humankind that fears of God and conscience cannot alone guarantee ethical non-violent conduct of all persons and groups towards other individuals and groups. Instances of individuals, communities and organised states transgressing limits of ethical norms and law are common.
In the face of such a universal reality ruling out use of force and committing virtuous religious people to absolute pacifism will amount to not only escapism, but to unethical surrender to forces of evil, allowing the weak to be subjugated and oppressed by the powerful, who, while imposing other injustices, will deny to people freedom of religion and conscience." (bold emphasis mine)
Source: World Council of Muslims for Inter Faith Relations
Position Paper on
Islam and the Use of Force
Professor Dr. Iqbal A. Ansari*, India
So while President Obama wants to talk, his peace efforts are nil.
To wit:
* The war in Iraq was won long before he took office.
* Iran continues to rattle its sabre with more and more talk of annihilating Israel.
* We have no plan to deal with Iran.
* We have threatened to shoot down any Israeli jets that attempt to deal with Iran unilaterally.
* Obama's hesitancy to decide about additional troops for the war in Afghanistan is crushing morale and giving the Taliban and Al-Qaeda more and more leverage to regain control of that country.
* Hugo Chavez is a pain that just won't go away, and we have no plan to deal with him and his Marxist regime in Venezuela.
* Castro still rules in Cuba, flipping US off every chance he gets.
* And probably worst of all, Obama has so polarized this nation that the seeds of civil unrest are being sown daily.
Peace Prize winner?? Makes about as much sense as whitewall tires on a dump truck!
Nobel Peace Prize?? Like so many others, I am asking, "For What?"
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has destroyed all it's (limited) credibility with the choice of Barack Obama as it Peace Prize winner for this year. There is a saying that goes something like this: "I'd rather be lucky than good!"
It aptly fits this empty suit that we have put in the White House. He is glib, attractive, buff, articulate, and "educated." But so far as advancing any "peace" agenda, he is the worst choice the committee could have made.
The award was based on what the committee said were his efforts to establish more international dialogue over disputes and create an atmosphere of negotiation rather than unilateral military action, a direct slap at former President George W. Bush.
But "talk" does not defeat an enemy. This world has always been ruled by the use of force. Surprise! I am going to quote a Muslim!
"Islam recognizes peace as a basic requirement of all individuals and groups for their social, ethical and spiritual well being and growth. Believers are required to develop an attitude of compassion towards not only fellow human beings but also all living beings. Under no circumstance, any one should violate the dignity that God has endowed upon human beings. Islam persistently extols the virtues of mercy, patience, forbearance and forgiveness. However throughout human history force has been used by individuals, communities and states for settling disputes, for seeking dominance and for territorial expansion. Force has also been used to defend life and liberty of one’s own and of communities under attack. Force has also been used to liberate oppressed people too weak to defend themselves. As use of force leads to destruction of life and property, and as it tends to engender a climate of hate and revenge, religions generally show an aversion to violence and preach nonviolent methods of settling disputes. But it is universal experience of humankind that fears of God and conscience cannot alone guarantee ethical non-violent conduct of all persons and groups towards other individuals and groups. Instances of individuals, communities and organised states transgressing limits of ethical norms and law are common.
In the face of such a universal reality ruling out use of force and committing virtuous religious people to absolute pacifism will amount to not only escapism, but to unethical surrender to forces of evil, allowing the weak to be subjugated and oppressed by the powerful, who, while imposing other injustices, will deny to people freedom of religion and conscience." (bold emphasis mine)
Source: World Council of Muslims for Inter Faith Relations
Position Paper on
Islam and the Use of Force
Professor Dr. Iqbal A. Ansari*, India
So while President Obama wants to talk, his peace efforts are nil.
To wit:
* The war in Iraq was won long before he took office.
* Iran continues to rattle its sabre with more and more talk of annihilating Israel.
* We have no plan to deal with Iran.
* We have threatened to shoot down any Israeli jets that attempt to deal with Iran unilaterally.
* Obama's hesitancy to decide about additional troops for the war in Afghanistan is crushing morale and giving the Taliban and Al-Qaeda more and more leverage to regain control of that country.
* Hugo Chavez is a pain that just won't go away, and we have no plan to deal with him and his Marxist regime in Venezuela.
* Castro still rules in Cuba, flipping US off every chance he gets.
* And probably worst of all, Obama has so polarized this nation that the seeds of civil unrest are being sown daily.
Peace Prize winner?? Makes about as much sense as whitewall tires on a dump truck!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Who's gonna pay for it?
I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but the question that is NOT being answered by anyone regarding the current healthcare debate debacle is simply this:
Giving access to the greatest healthcare system in the world to everyone who wants it, on first reading, sounds like a great idea. BUT WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT?
The socialists who are pushing the idea all personally have great healthcare insurance plans, which none of them will abandon in favor of this great new "public option" idea. But I would ask them, ARE YOU GONNA PAY FOR IT?
If we grant access to our healthcare system to everyone in this country, legal or illegal, that system will immediately be floodded with millions of new patients demanding that every imaginable ailment be treated. From a strictly humanitarian standpoint, this sounds very kind and loving. BUT WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT?
If abortion on demand is the law of the land, Roe v Wade, and it is for now, how can abortions not be covered in the new system? There is no doubt by any thinking person that they will be covered. So I ask again, WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT?
The implied answer to all the above is: THE RICH!! They are always the villian in these matters. Vile, evil, crooked, lacivious RICH people, who cannot have gotten their wealth any other way than dishonestly. THEY will pay the bills for all the poor and disadvantaged.
Yeah, right!
You know, I have never gotten a job from a poor guy. Poor people don't start businesses, take risks, hire people, and pay for their benefits. It's always folks with money. And right now we need more of them, not less.
So CommonSense tells this old country boy, "Go ahead fellas, pass your socialized medicine bill. Try to soak the rich to pay for it. And you know what you will get? VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!"
We "the PERSONS" of this great land have a loud voice, and we will use it come election day!
Giving access to the greatest healthcare system in the world to everyone who wants it, on first reading, sounds like a great idea. BUT WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT?
The socialists who are pushing the idea all personally have great healthcare insurance plans, which none of them will abandon in favor of this great new "public option" idea. But I would ask them, ARE YOU GONNA PAY FOR IT?
If we grant access to our healthcare system to everyone in this country, legal or illegal, that system will immediately be floodded with millions of new patients demanding that every imaginable ailment be treated. From a strictly humanitarian standpoint, this sounds very kind and loving. BUT WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT?
If abortion on demand is the law of the land, Roe v Wade, and it is for now, how can abortions not be covered in the new system? There is no doubt by any thinking person that they will be covered. So I ask again, WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR IT?
The implied answer to all the above is: THE RICH!! They are always the villian in these matters. Vile, evil, crooked, lacivious RICH people, who cannot have gotten their wealth any other way than dishonestly. THEY will pay the bills for all the poor and disadvantaged.
Yeah, right!
You know, I have never gotten a job from a poor guy. Poor people don't start businesses, take risks, hire people, and pay for their benefits. It's always folks with money. And right now we need more of them, not less.
So CommonSense tells this old country boy, "Go ahead fellas, pass your socialized medicine bill. Try to soak the rich to pay for it. And you know what you will get? VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!"
We "the PERSONS" of this great land have a loud voice, and we will use it come election day!
Watch out for the fine print in the Google Profits ads. If you don't read it, you could be out some serious money.
I ordered the $1.95 disk, and was immediately contacted by two different "coaches" or "mentors" who wanted to sell me their services. All with no guarantee of course, that any money would ever be made.
So watch yourself. The promises in the ad are all made up. The persons are not real, they are all contrived to get you into their system.
I ordered the $1.95 disk, and was immediately contacted by two different "coaches" or "mentors" who wanted to sell me their services. All with no guarantee of course, that any money would ever be made.
So watch yourself. The promises in the ad are all made up. The persons are not real, they are all contrived to get you into their system.
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